I recently visited Haiti with twenty-six faithful advocates for the kids of the HOLD the Children Home in LaVaud, Haiti.  A lot has occurred at the Home in the past year since many of these friends visited. They were excited to see the nearly completed wall around the land that was purchased a year earlier during their visit.  The foundation for a new kitchen and storage building is ready for construction to begin.  The beautiful meeting area around the mango tree was a popular place to hold and play with the kids of the Home.

During the visit we were able to acquire another small adjacent parcel of land, and the owner of another large parcel of land informed us that she was ready to sell us her land.  Several years ago we asked God to give us all of this land surrounding the HOLD Home and piece-by-piece he is honoring our request.

The real purpose of all the work and upgrades is for the 42 residents of the Home.  Our desire is to help our kids become productive and compassionate adults who will be prepared to contribute toward a better Haiti.  Our investment into these kids is only possible because of your faithful support.  Thank you for your generous contributions to the HOLD the Children Home.

*The links below give you a brief glimpse into the Port de Paix, Haiti mission trip and life in the HOLD Home.  We would love for you to join us there next year!  In the meantime, check out some great pictures of our time there last month!

