Greetings all,

We are just a little over 3 months away from the trip dates for the annual visit to the HOLD the Children Home in Haiti.

The trip will commence in Port au Prince, Haiti on Sunday, April 2, 2017.  We will then depart for Port de Paix on Monday, April 3, 2017.  Return flights from Port au Prince can be scheduled for anytime AFTER 2:00pm on Saturday, April 8.  The cost of the trip is $1,175.  This includes the registration fee.  Airfare to and from Port au Prince is not included.

The team size is limited to 20 participants; 8 spots have already been reserved.  That leaves 12 remaining places on the trip. If you are interested, please reserve a place soon.  If you have friends who you know are interested, share this information with them.

To reserve a spot please call 800-767-8720 and talk with Katie, or feel free to send her an email at [email protected].  Keep in mind our office is closed for the Christmas holiday Friday, December 23 through Sunday, January 1, 2017.

If you simply want to gather more information about this trip, please fill out an info request here.  You will immediately receive an email with more detailed information about our Port de Paix, Haiti mission trip.

We would love for you to join us; hope to see you in Haiti in April!


Richard Rohde

Director, HOLD the Children

1509 Hunt Club Blvd., Suite 1200

Gallatin, TN 37066