God continues to bless the work at the HOLD the Children Home in Haiti. It seems like it was just yesterday that we stood on the roof of the Orphanage. Our vision was to have a place where we could prepare the older kids for the day when they would leave the orphanage. We dreamed of building transitional homes where they could learn to live as a family and be taught vocational skills. They would learn to speak English and use a computer as preparation for life on their own.
Since that day, God has given us three parcels of land, all connected to the HOLD Home. A security wall was constructed around the entire property, and a storage building, kitchen, and water filtration system were all constructed on this new property. God is so faithful.
A few weeks ago, a seed was planted to begin construction on Phase 1 of the transitional homes. This includes digging footers, laying foundation stones, installing steel reinforcement and pouring the concrete floor. The projected cost of Phase 1 is $29,458. We still need approximately $20,000 to complete Phase 1 of the project. God is “able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine…” We are asking Him for the funds to complete Phase 1 of the transitional homes.
We would love for you to contribute to this amazing project. You can easily give online here. Be sure to designate your gift to HOLD-Land Purch/Dev then in the additional comments please specify HOLD Home Property Development. You can also mail a check to HOLD the Children, 1509 Hunt Club Blvd. Suite 1200, Gallatin, TN 37066 and designate your check for HOLD Home Property Development. Or you may donate over the phone at 800-767-8720 during our office hours which are 9am-4pm CST.
Thank you for your support and for your interest in investing in this amazing place; we look forward to keeping you updated on all the progress that is made!