Summer Recess & Summer Repairs
Dear Child Sponsor,
Summer recess from school is something most students and teachers look forward to and enjoy. Summer vacation allows time for rest and rejuvenation. It also provides a window of opportunity for summer mission teams to do facility maintenance and build needed classrooms.
Work was done at Victory Christian Fellowship (VCF) School near Montego Bay, Jamaica.
Mission teams poured cement and made repairs at this pre-school. VCF provides a valued ministry in a rural community where a number of children would not otherwise be able to attend school. Additional classroom space at Jamaica Christian School for the Deaf (JCSD) is greatly needed.
Mission Discovery teams worked on kindergarten and elementary classrooms at JCSD. They also provided a daily community Bible school for the local children.
Earlier this year the roof fell in at our HOLD the children LaVaud, Haiti school. No one was hurt but the school was totally exposed to the sun or rain. A number of generous donors gave to replace the roof and a local contractor will have the new roof installed by the start of school.
Mission teams also served at our HOLD the children sponsor school in Guatemala. A unique aspect of this ministry involves the families of sponsor children. Mission teams served at a needy family’s home making necessary repairs. This benefits the school indirectly as it helps the school child to have a better home environment.
Thank you for caring enough to be involved in a needy child’s life in such a practical way. Your prayers and regular support make all the difference in the world.