Summer is upon us, and schools are quiet. Feeding programs and homework assignments continue in some of our locations, but students remain at home for the time being. All schools, and our orphanage, have turned in helpful reports of continued health among students, staff, and residents. Faculty and staff at all our locations continue receiving a paycheck. We are grateful for your giving that makes this possible at such a time. The staff of the Capva School is pictured here; they are preparing to feed students and preparing homework assignments.
At Mission Discovery, we are normally gearing up for 8-10 weeks of mission trips, but this year is much different than all the rest. For the first time in Mission Discovery’s 29-year history, we will not be leading any international mission trips this summer. We are grateful to have a small handful of local mission trips here in the Nashville area. Our city is still reeling from the tornado in March, and we are grateful volunteers are coming to help. It is a different summer here at Mission Discovery! We continue to give God thanks for His provision during this unforeseen season and unique time in our history.
Thank you for your regular support and continued gifts during this time; as always, your giving makes the ministry of HOLD the Children possible. Thank you for your support!