Happy New Year to you and yours! With January came the start of a new term in most our HOLD schools. Students have returned in Haiti after a short break. Jamaica has limited in-person classes, and in Guatemala they continue to improve their distance learning efforts as students remain at home for the time being.
In Jamaica and Guatemala, the close of last year brought a small graduation ceremony for some of our older students! Three of our JCSD high school graduates are pictured here. It is exciting to see students successfully graduate and move forward into continued education and careers. Your giving helps provide the life changing education these students need.
Thank you for all you gave last year! With your giving, each school was able to provide a Christmas celebration for their students. In some cases, it was a back-to-school celebration after being away for so long! Students enjoyed a hot meal and special goodies. Some schools were able to provide bags of food for students to take home to their families. Thank you for giving to make this possible and for all you gave to allow the ministry of HOLD the Children to continue in 2020. We are excited for all God has in store for us in 2021; we look forward to His continued provision and the return of ALL of our students to their classrooms!
Gratefully in His Hold,
Courtney Carrigan
HOLD the Children Director