God has been doing exciting things so far this year. The new water filtration system is up and running for the community of Lavaud. Solar panels provide power for the water system and also for lights at the orphanage. The new parcel of land for the transitional housing has been purchased and the security wall will soon be started.
Two new children recently joined us at the HOLD Home. Widley Joseph was brought by the police. He was found wandering the streets of Port de Paix. Family could not be found so he will live at the HOLD Home for now. Catherine Lejuste, 4 years old, was brought to the Home by Haiti Social Services. We do not have the full story on her yet but for now she also is living at the HOLD the Children Home.
We currently care for 44 children at the HOLD Home. Fifteen of these children are without sponsors, yet God continues to provide funds to meet the monthly budget. We praise God for all who contribute toward the expenses of the Home. If you would like more information on sponsoring a resident at the HOLD Orphanage or becoming a regular supporter of the HOLD the Children Home, contact me at [email protected] or visit the donate link on our website www.holdthechildren.org/donate
Thank you for your prayers and support of the HOLD the Children Home.