Twenty-seven children reside at the HOLD the children Home in LaVaud, Haiti. These children receive three nourishing meals each day, are loved and cared for by a committed staff and have a safe place to lie their head at night. This is uncommon for most Haitian children. The residents of the HOLD Home have been rescued from a life of lonliness, hunger and unknowns. The children are thankful for those who sponsored them and planted a seed hope. There are 15 more children waiting to join those at the HOLD Orphanage but they need a sponsor. Would you consider sponsoring a child at the orphanage? Just $5.00 per day provides food, care and hope for an orphaned or abandoned child. That’s just $152 per month or $1,824 per year. If you can help, contact HOLD the children at [email protected] or call the Mission Discovery office @ 800-767-8720.