Pictured here, students have returned to our Victory Christian Fellowship preschool for the first time since the Spring of 2020! We are so grateful to have ALL our schools full of life again with students attending in person in each location throughout Haiti, Jamaica, and Guatemala. We’ve appreciated your prayers as we’ve waited for this day!
This month, we will begin construction on the transitional home at our HOLD Home Orphanage once again. It has been at a halt due to lack of funds to continue building. But with the very generous year-end gifts we received, we are now able to resume building. The project can be completed this year if we reach our $60,000 fundraising goal.
Each of our school Directors has checked-in since the start of the New Year and things are up and running smoothly. Classrooms are full and teachers work hard in their classrooms each day. We are grateful that all Directors have given positive reports of health and safety in their schools at this time.
Please keep Haiti in your regular prayers throughout this month. February is historically a difficult month with many riots and protests throughout much of the country. In the 80’s the people of Haiti overthrew their President at that time in the month of February. Lately, it has become the month to protest the countries government and leadership each year.
In Jamaica, our Jamaica Christian School for the Deaf is raising funds to build a gate at their entry way due to neighborhood livestock eating their home grown produce. This project costs $4,500. If you can help, please make a special donation to JCSD. Thank you for your consideration.
Thank you for all you give! Your donations and ongoing support make the ministry of HOLD possible. Thank you for providing for our 12 schools and Orphanage.
In His Hold,
Courtney CarriganHOLD the Children Director