During the month of June, I had the privilege of leading a couple of Mission Discovery’s Jamaica mission trips. As we approached Jamaica Christian School for the Deaf on work day one, the excitement was building inside me to see my friend Lorenzo.
Lorenzo came to JCSD last fall. At 14 years old, this was his first school experience. Lorenzo is deaf and mute. When he arrived at JCSD last fall, he was extremely malnourished with a large protruding belly. Since his arrival to the school, the staff there has taken him to numerous doctor’s appointments. They have found that Lorenzo has Hirschsprung’s disease, which has destroyed a large portion of his intestines. Since his diagnosis, the JCSD staff has taken Lorenzo to every necessary appointment. They’ve been by his side for two surgeries. Since last fall, I have been to JCSD three times. And each time, Lorenzo’s improvement is drastic. His belly is now completely flat. He is getting meat on his bones and his face is getting round. He is learning the ASL alphabet. He now walks tall, instead of hunched over, with a sense of pride. He has made friends and no longer stands on the sidelines watching. He laughs and smiles and gives great hugs.
I share all of this to say, your support of HOLD the Children makes all of this possible. Your donations help provide education to children in need around the world. Your giving also helps with these rare cases like Lorenzo’s. Because of your giving, Lorenzo is learning what it means to be loved and what it means to have a family that cares for him. He is experiencing the love of God for the first time in his life. Because of your generous giving, children around the world are learning what it means to be a child of God. Thank you for giving.