Pictured above, children in the Capva School in Haiti gathered for VBS last month! This school is in Cite Soleil, Haiti, and 300 children from the community came to participate in VBS. Twenty-five school staff members helped make this possible. Children came and learned about Jesus and were able to receive a hot meal in the process. This is such encouraging news, given that the country is still in turmoil and the struggles abound everyday. But last month, these kids got to be kids and enjoyed some time with their friends learning about God!
We have several other schools throughout Haiti; they are currently closed for their summer break. Schools re-open in September. Our HOLD Home Orphanage continues providing for children in need who have no place to call home. We are so grateful for all who give to make our HOLD Home possible.
In Jamaica, we had several Mission Discovery teams serve at JCSD and at VCF last month! Volunteers served in countless ways as they interacted with students. Buildings were worked on and repaired, VBS programs took place, and so many lives were impacted! Students at JCSD will be back at school in September as well.
In Guatemala, we had several Mission Discovery teams serve at Kairos and in the surrounding community. Several homes were built for families in need, and a huge medical clinic provided care for hundreds of individuals in need of health care!
God has done great things throughout the summer as hundreds of participants have joined us on mission trips here in the US and in other parts of the world.
Thank you for all you give! Your donations and ongoing support make the ministry of HOLD, His Outreach for Learning and Development, possible. Thank you
Gratefully in His Hold, Courtney Carrigan HOLD the Children Director