Nesly started out as one of our younger boys in the HOLD Home. He is usually pretty quiet and observant when visitors are there. He likes to sit back and watch everything that is going on. He will participate in games or other events when lead by someone else who wants him to be involved, but he rarely jumps at the opportunity to do something new on his own. He is a little shy with new folks, but amongst his friends he can be heard chattering away. He hopes to be a pastor someday!
Nesly is about the age that many children in Haiti are when they would get sold to a wealthy family. It is not uncommon for parents who cannot take care of their children to sell them to a wealthy family as a house servant. Thankfully the children in the Home are spared from this tragic story and instead are able to enjoy life as a young child in a safe environment. Sponsoring Nesly allows more room for us to bring in others who may be sold into this modern day form of child slavery. Please consider becoming one of our monthly sponsors for His Outreach for Learning and Development.