I am writing this update from the Habitation Hatt Hotel in Port au Prince, Haiti. We are preparing to leave on the eight hours bus ride to Port de Paix, which is where much of the HOLD the Children work is located. From inside the walls of this hotel, all appears tranquil and content. The cloudless sky is as blue as the eye can imagine. The beauty of Haiti is hiding the reality of the world outside. This will change when we join the chaos on the outside. Enormous congestion and terrible roads make the 120 mile journey to Port de Paix an endurance test. Though I’ve made this trip dozens of times, it never becomes commonplace. Like most things in Haiti, travel is very hard. But on this day, there is some good news.
After more than two years and several re-votes, Jovenel Moise is inaugurated as Haiti’s 58th president. Typically, this day is marked with unruly demonstrations and civil unrest, maybe a little like the USA. But today there is an unusual level of calm and anticipation surrounding the inauguration. There is optimism toward the future as President Jovenel commits to work together to bring change to Haiti. The new President was born and raised in Port de Paix and has a business there. He knows the deplorable infrastructure of the Northwest that keeps Haiti mired in a 4th world status. He pledges to rebuild the road to Port de Paix, a necessity for commerce and industry in this part of Haiti. President Jovenel brings optimism to the people of Port de Paix.
I have been traveling to Haiti for the past fifteen years and have never seen Haiti unified in support of a government transition. Is it real? Will it last? I don’t know. But I know that change starts with a vision and it appears that Haiti believes in the vision of President Jovenel. Please pray for the people of Haiti.