Students at our Jamaica Christian School for the Deaf in Montego Bay have returned to campus! They are back on-site learning in person. This is an answer to many prayers. We are thrilled the campus is teeming with life again. Faculty and staff at JCSD have worked very hard to make upgrades to the campus so students could return. Students are very happy to see their friends and be learning once again.
In Haiti, students are in school, although violence continues to arise specifically in and around the capital city of Port au Price. Our Onaville and Capva Schools are located in this area; please pray for continued safety for our students and all who work to make their education possible. On the northern coast in Port de Paix, Haiti, students are working hard in our schools and our HOLD Home Orphanage continues to be a welcoming home for 45 children who would otherwise have nowhere to go.
It’s hard to believe we’re in the last quarter of the year! This means it’s time to start collecting Christmas celebration donations. Please consider donating an extra gift to your child’s school for their Christmas Celebration in December. We aim to receive all Christmas donations before December 1. Thank you for all you give to make this, and so much more, possible!
Gratefully in His Hold,
Courtney Carrigan