Pictured above, students in one of our Haiti schools gather for an assembly at their school! Our schools in Haiti continue to be open with students attending and learning everyday. Throughout much of the country, local gangs have control of large territories. With little infrastructure to combat the gangs, daily life for the masses is an ongoing struggle. Our HOLD Home Orphanage in Haiti remains a safe haven for all the children who call it home. Because it is nestled in a quiet area of the northern part of the country, it remains safe and untouched by the violence that pervades much of the rest of the country. We are grateful for its continued progress.
In Jamaica, JCSD is thriving and was appreciative of the Mission Discovery team there last month. ASL students from Texas were able to help teach some of the younger students, and the teachers from Texas facilitated a helpful seminar for the JCSD staff. Also in Jamaica, our Victory Christian Fellowship preschool works to make needed improvements to better provide for students.
In Guatemala, our Kairos Christian School has had several Mission Discovery teams come to help! So far this Spring in Guatemala, 8 homes have been built for families in need, 306 patients have been seen at a medical clinic, and 36 needy families have received food and cleaning supplies to help meet some of their basic needs. We are thrilled numerous volunteers have joined us to serve in Guatemala.
With HOLD schools operating and mission trips in full-swing, there has not been a slow moment. Thank you for all you give! Your donations and ongoing support make the ministry of HOLD, His Outreach for Learning and Development, possible. Enjoy this Spring season as we celebrate our risen Savior; Happy Easter!
Gratefully in His Hold, Courtney Carrigan HOLD the Children Director