January is a time to reflect on what God has accomplished throughout the past year.  More than 2,500 children in Haiti are in school because people care.  Without sponsors help, these 2,500 kids would follow the path of illiteracy, common to nearly half of Haiti’s population.

Construction began on transitional housing at the HOLD Orphanage, where young adults will be prepared for life on the outside when they leave the Home.

The HOLD school, Christian Alliance in Limonade, Haiti, continues to expand to help more children.  The recent Christmas celebration at the school reached out to the community to provide a hot meal to more than 500 children.  After the party, each child was sent home with a bag of food for their family.  HOLD sponsors were generous in giving a little extra toward a Christmas celebration at each school.  Thank you so much.

A new church and school were constructed in the village of Onaville, just outside Port au Prince, Haiti.  Previously there was no opportunity for children to attend school in this community.  HOLD sponsors and Mission Discovery contributors made it possible to bring hope and education to the children of Onaville.

In Jamaica, the Victory Christian Fellowship School continues to provide early education for preschool children.  VCF is an alternative for children who would otherwise roam unsupervised in their community.

The Jamaica Christian School for the Deaf provides opportunity and hope to children with disabilities.  JCSD residents are given love and care in a family setting.  Compassionate HOLD sponsors helped JCSD student, Lorenzo, get the lifesaving care needed to overcome critical health problems.  Today, he is well on the way to recovery because many of you cared enough to help.  Omario, a graduate from the deaf school, is now employed as a chef at one of the prestigious hotels in Montego Bay.

Thank you HOLD sponsors and supporters for a great year.  We are excited to see what God will do in 2018.