Each time I visit the HOLD the Children Home I am amazed by how fast the kids are growing.  Four of the kids are age 13 and will begin secondary school next year.  I believe that God has placed each of the 44 kids living at the HOLD the Children Home into our care for a divine purpose.  Proverbs 22:6 says, what we teach the children now will shape them when they are older.  It is the responsility and the desire of HOLD to prepare these children to be productive and successful citizens when they are old enough to leave the orphanage.  God has a special plan for each of these children, and it is our goal to help each one become the person God wants them to be.

It takes $4,000 each month to provide for the needs of the children at the HOLD Home.  This includes paying staff salaries, food, clothing and shoes, medical attention, and education.  Some months we are not sure where the money will come from but God is always faithful.  Please consider contributing toward the care of the 44 kids of HOLD.  We believe that these kids will one day make a difference for good in Haiti.