Cedeline is in High School! She is from La Tortue and is our oldest female resident in the Home! She has come along in great ways since joining the HOLD Home and is doing well in school. Her favorite class is math and she hopes to be a nurse someday. As one of the older children in the home, she is very helpful in managing the little ones. Many of them look up to her like they would a mother. So many of these children learn to provide for themselves and take care of themselves as soon as they can walk; at the HOLD Home they are able to become children again. They are taught various responsibilities, but they are allowed to be kids. Although Cedeline is older than most, she is still a child and we are grateful she has regained part of her childhood by coming to the Home. The HOLD Home was built to rescue children just like Cedeline. The Home operates entirely on gifts and contributions from friends. Would you consider becoming one of our contributors? There are various ways to support Cedeline and the work of the HOLD the Children Home; be the change that gives hope to these abandoned children.
Cedeline Borgela
Birthday: 4/29/01
Orphanage: HOLD the Children Home
Gender: Female
Country: Haiti
Child Code: HOLD-001A-005